high pushes


Oliver Asked 13 years ago

Hi there Pingskills,

Whenever I push with heavy spin, the spin seems to lift the ball up and it floats to my opponent's side high. Is there something I can do to improve this?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Oliver,

Yes pushing is a difficult skill because it is a fine skill that requires good touch. 

If the ball is going too high, you need to either angle the bat down more, face it towards the net or make the contact even finer so that it goes lower.

Try both of these techniques.  It is a lot of experimentation to get this right.

Another thing that we have found helps greatly is setting up a string over the net and aiming to get the ball below the string.  You may think that this sound a a bit strange but give it a try.  You will be surprised how well it works.  Take a look at our lesson on Keeping The Ball Low.  Set this up while you are doing some pushing practice.

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