Hitting Finger


Wajahat Shariff
Wajahat Shariff Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alex 

I have a question ...  If our finger touches the ball in the game will the opponent get the point.

thank you ... 

Wajahat =) 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Wajahat,

Up to your wrist is considered part of your bat.  Usually when the ball hits your finger it also hits your bat.  Previously if it did this it would be considered a double hit however the rule has now been changed.

If you hit the ball with both the finger and the bat and it is not deliberate it is still a good shot now.

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Thoughts on this question

Wajahat Shariff

Wajahat Shariff Posted 11 years ago

Thank you Alois :) 

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