Hitting the ball on the full


Peter Crown
Peter Crown Asked 8 years ago

Can you tell me does the rule about hitting the ball on the full (before bouncing) also apply to the sides of the table as well as the end line?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Peter,

Yes it does as long as the ball has already passed over the table.  For example, if the ball has been hit by your opponent from a wide ball outside the line of the table and you are down the side of your end you can't hit it before it has a chance to hit the table.

I hope this clears it up for you.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Side of Table

If the ball hits any part of the top of the table then the ball is in play. If it only hits the side of the table then it is out.

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Thoughts on this question

Peter Crown

Peter Crown Posted 8 years ago

Many thanks for clarifying this rule for me Alois.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Glad it helped.

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