Hook and fade strokes


Aditya Chandolu
Aditya Chandolu Asked 6 years ago

Alois sir i am not able to get the fade shot or the hook shot of side spin topspin.i mastered the advance forehand topspin as u said to do before going to side spin topspin. when i am doing the fade shot the spin is not produced but topspin is produced.when i am practicing the hook shot it always hits the edge and flies around.

What can i do for this?

sir is stag 3-star bat is useful for intermediate players like me?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Aditya,

The use of your wrist is important for the fade and hook.  Experiment with the amount of angle on your wrist to get this right.  It sounds like for the fade you need to lift your wrist more.  For the hook it sounds like you need less wrist.

The Stage 3 star is OK for learning strokes.  If you are feeling like you are more advanced then it may be tie to move on.

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