Mental Preparation
Hi Alois and Jeff
I always seem to get a feeling of hopelessness when I play and lose the first few points and afterwards my peers commented that I act like I have forgotten how to play the game. Can you help me?
Hi Oliver,
It is important to play each point as it comes. Try to stay focused on the present point and forget about the previous or future ones. This of course can be really difficult.
If you start to feel yourself having those negative thoughts, take a few seconds to take a nice deep breath and then focus on the next point.
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Shripathi ramakrishnan Posted 12 years ago
what to do when you are down by some points, say for example 6-2 in opponents favour? do you play more defnesively or just play your natural game and risk it?
Galen Corvan- Hughes Posted 12 years ago
At 6-2 i'd say risk it. but if it gets alot closer then play defensively!
It is important to play each point on its merits. YOu need to think about playing good Table Tennis as your first priority.
Oliver Posted 12 years ago
Thanks Alois