How be a better player


ismael metioui
ismael metioui Asked 9 years ago

Hi, I have a problem i know how to do topspin forehand and backhand, flick, loop, serving etc.I don't know the way to get better I know every technique and how to use it I don't know how to get better could you help me please.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ismael,

The next thing is to play more matches so that you get used to utilising you strokes in a match situation and also putting the strokes together in patterns that help you to win points.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tactics Against Antispin

Don't struggle against antispin players. Use this tips to stay in control of the situation and understand what type of spin is on the ball during the rallies.

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Thoughts on this question

martinand bernard

martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago

to play with less good than you you can test all your strokes with a better is difficult, but not all the time

Gordon L

Gordon L Posted 9 years ago

Playing matches against stronger players will allow you to see where your weaknesses are.  If possible, record your matches to see where you're losing your points.  Once you know where you're losing points, then practice/drill those situations.

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