How do i give a fast serve?.


Mendop Peopt
Mendop Peopt Asked 7 years ago

In ping pong/table tennis, I do know how to give a good fast service but I see lot of my opponents give real fast, I am 10 year old so I don't know how to play real good , please help me.


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Mapot,

It's great to see you are looking for ways to improve your game. Take a look at this video response to a previous question which explains how to serve fast and long.


Good luck!

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

How To Practice

To get better at serving you need to practice. We give you a step by step framework to follow to ensure you are making the most of your practice time.

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Thoughts on this question

Mendop Peopt

Mendop Peopt Posted 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply but , I cant understand . Can i please get my own video response so I can understand better , Thanks if you do , If not oh well.


Mick Derevnin

Mick Derevnin Posted 7 years ago

 Hi Mapot. What part of the video did you find hard to understand? Maybe one of us can help by explaining those bits in a little more detail :)

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