How do I play choppers


kamil jurkiewicz
kamil jurkiewicz Asked 13 years ago

I've played once with a chop player and i had problems with getting his hits . and i "overlooped" every ball. what should i do?? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Kamil,

Try using a little more topspin on the ball.  This will bring the ball down quicker and therefore land on the table. 

Take a look at this blog on Playing against Defenders.  This will give you a few tips that will help next time you play against a chopper.

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Thoughts on this question

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 13 years ago

i believe choppers when they play against loopers, they mix up their chops between heavy backspin, and very light to no backspin, even dead balls, when we try to loop these light/no spin chops that is where we go past the table every time. i think adjusting your loop to a loop-drive and still brushing the ball lightly helps keep most balls on the table. my rule of thumb is loopdrive if you are not sure how much backspin is on it, and vertically slow-loop the ones which you can tell have heavy backspin by the flight of the ball.

kamil jurkiewicz

kamil jurkiewicz Posted 13 years ago

what if the player have on one side a chop and on the other a normal rubber(bryce)??? he chops first ball and attacks other one 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
This does put a bit more pressure on you to play a good topspin.  If yo are pushing then try to make sure you find his pimples side so that it is more difficult for him to attack.

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