Hiring an overseas training partner


bryce franklin
bryce franklin Asked 13 years ago

Hi PingSkills,

If I had the incentives and financial backing to hire a coach/training partner from say China, would this be an viable task?

I would pay/supply for all flights, fees, accomodation and food and of course for the service of training. I would also be able to get them work for periods of the day where they are not training. 

It would almost be like how countries hire former high level table tennis players to be their national coach, only the level does not need to be as high...i.e. does not need to be a current/former national player/coach.

Would this be possible? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Bryce,

Interesting idea.  I don;t have any contacts and it wold be really important that you got the right person that would be willing to work hard.  This is difficult without meeting someone.

Others may have ideas. 

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#24 - Curling Forehand Topspin

One of the most satisfying feelings in Table Tennis is when you play a big forehand topspin that curls out wide past your opponent for a winner. In this wee's session we concentrate on developing our sidespin topspin forehand so you can enjoy that feeling more often.

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