How do you remove the rubber from your blade safely?


Ben Unknown
Ben Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Dear Coach,

I was wondering how you remove the rubber (and obviously the sponge too) from your blade without destroying your sponge, because I am going to speed glue my new rubber.  In other words, I want to be able to remove the rubber from my blade in a way that will make not damage the rubber or sponge in any way.  I experimented on my old Stiga bat that was glued by Stiga (pre-assembled), and when I tried to just peel the rubber and sponge off the blade, the sponge ripped.  Some sponge was also left on the blade.  Was this because it was a bad idea to take the rubber of by just peeling it off, or did Stiga use glue that makes it hard to remove the rubber.  Do you have a recommended regular glue for my situation?  What about a recommended speed glue (I don't care if it is band or not)?

Thank you very much for your time.



Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Ben,

The pre made bats are glued very securely.  When you are taking them off it is difficult to keep the rubber intact. If you have sponge left on your blade use some solvent to soften the sponge and then remove with a scraper, sandpaper of some other abrasive.

To reglue your rubbers there are a few approved rubber now.  Look up the manufacturers glues and they will be able to let you know.  The XIOM I-Bond glue sticks very well.

Remember Speed Glue is now banned.

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