How far back should you be to return a smash


Vishnu Prasad
Vishnu Prasad Asked 13 years ago


I am amateur player and I tend to be defensive when I play. When I block the ball, I am returning at comfortable height and pace for my opponent to hit the ball with lot of speed in the direction he wants to. As soon as I see that my return was high I start moving backwards thinking he is going to smash the ball and now when opponent returns to one corner of the table, I have lot of ground to cover before I reach the ball which becomes difficult. 

I was wondering if you guys could help me by answering on when should one move far from the table and when one should not, it would be really great. Are there any thumb-rules on this?

I have seen your 'Ready Position' video and it has definitely improved my skills in returning the serve. To my delight, I am always able to reach the ball after I started practicing your ideas mentioned in that video. 

Thanks in advance!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Vishnu,

This is an interesting question.  It is a bit of a trade off between moving too far back and giving yourself more time and staying close and cutting down the amount of distance you need to cover.

There is no formula to this.  It is something that you start to get a feel for the more you play.  You already understand the difference and the pros and cons of both.

In essence, you should try to stay as close to the table as you think you can react fast enough to return the ball. 

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In this video, we dive into the forehand push, a crucial defensive stroke in table tennis that allows you to control rallies with effective backspin. We break down the three key concepts—start position, feet position, and finish position—to help you execute the stroke with precision. You'll also learn how to adjust your bat angle to generate varying degrees of backspin, depending on the spin your opponent imparts on the ball. Finally, we'll guide you through practical drills to enhance your proficiency and consistency with the forehand push, ensuring you're well-prepared for your next match. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your technique, this tutorial will provide you with the tools to master the forehand push.

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