Return topspin serve


Federick Yam
Federick Yam Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

I have difficulty in reply one the my club fan's topspin to my backhand and forehand. This club fan mostly serves topspin to my forehand and backhand and sometimes serve underspin. I normally loop the forehand serve and counter-hit or loop or block the backhand serve. I do not why I have difficult with this club fan's serves. My return is getting ball away the table. Please let me know what shall I do or what should I pay attention to and change me return technique. thank you.

Federick Yam

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Frederick,

Perhaps you could move a little further back form the table for your return position.  This will give you a bit more time to deal with thiese serves.

You are attempting the correct strokes on the return, either a topspin or a counterhit.

You may need to just come over the ball a little more if the ball is going too far. 

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