How to adjust to a higher table


Gregory Santone
Gregory Santone Asked 10 years ago

I recently got into ping pong because my place of employment got a ping pong table. I immediately became fascinated and joined a local club and have been learning the basic strokes there and from PingSkills.

However, my issue is that I'm practicing drills mostly at the club with ITTF standard sized tables and the one at my office is a simple type that lays on top of a billiards table, which is about 9cm higher than the standard 76cm height. Between being new at the game and putting many hours on the standard size table, whenever I play at work I always hit the ball into the top of the net. Could you give me some tips on how I can adjust my strokes so that I can perform better on the higher table without creating bad habits for when I return to the standard sized table?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Gregory,

Perhaps you can think about playing with more topspin.  It is OK to try to adjust to little things like this.  It will develop more awareness with you strokes.

The other option is to get them to purchase a table for the office.  Even a cheap one would be good.

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