How to block or defend opponent's stroke


GAURAV SHARMA Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

Thanks for your great videos i learn many things from your videos.but i have my own question.

I want to ask that "how we identify that at which side opponent plays his stroke means either on backhand or on forehand some times i confused in that thing. Please help me"


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Gaurav,

I am glad that you are enjoying the videos.

To identify what they are doing, you need to watch and track the ball closely.  All the information that you need to know will come from that.

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Advanced Forehand Topspin

Once you've mastered the start and finish position of the forehand topspin, you can start to focus on finer details. In this video we talk about the position of your legs, weight transfer, varying the finish position, incorporating footwork, the use of your wrist, and the angle of your bat for the stroke.

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