How to deal with slow no-spin-balls pimples


Lara Vandenberg
Lara Vandenberg Asked 2 years ago

Dear Alois,

I´ve played my first league-matches now. It went betther than expected (thanks for your good advice regarding the forehand) but I´m facing an unexpected problem and that concerns playing against pimples - long and short. The difficulty for me is receiving these slow no-spin-balls that mostly just fall into the net or are smashed because I return them far too high. I just can´t find a feel for how to handle these balls. Any idea what could help?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Lara,

The first thing is to play against the pimples more often.  Secondly I think treat the ball with respect but also understand that the ball is not dangerous.  If you can get your self into position then try to make a faster ball yourself. 

The difficulty often comes because the ball is a change of pace to what you are expecting and you don't get yourself into position to make a stronger shot.  The slower ball can be mesmerising and because the ball is travelling slowly our feet also move slowly.

Hope this helps.

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Lara Vandenberg

Lara Vandenberg Posted 1 year ago

Thanks Alois,

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