How to develop a serve with all type of spin


Shubhanshu Saxena
Shubhanshu Saxena Asked 11 years ago

I want to know that how to develop serve with sidespin on first bounce, backspin on second bounce and topspin on third bounce.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Shubhanshu,

This is not possible.  You can only spin the ball one way.  You do this when you contact the ball.  You can not then make the ball change it's spin after that.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Speed

Varying the speed is different from varying the length. You can have a fast short serve and a slow short serve. You can also have a fast long serve and a slow long serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Shubhanshu Saxena

Shubhanshu Saxena Posted 11 years ago

Sir, I have created my own website please it

fdghdgh dfsgs

fdghdgh dfsgs Posted 11 years ago

how to serve very fast


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