Hi coach,
How do I get the right angle of the bat/racket to execute/do the backspin serve....
And what is the basic to do this and to do it perfectly...?
How to do a backspin because sometimes my backspin is going sideways when coming back to me...
Can you give me a guide for all this questions?
Sorry for having many questions.. :)
Hi Meynard,
To get a pure backspin serve you need to have your bat come straight under the ball. That means the bat needs to be quite flat so you can contact the bottom part of the ball.
The ball will get sidespin is your bat is tilted with the end up or down. The best way to practice this is to move away from the table and get the ball to bounce on the floor. See if you can get the ball to come straight back to you. If you can then you are getting straight backspin.
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Meynard Ochia Posted 11 years ago
Tnx coach.. But what do you men tilted with the end up or down???
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago
If you think about your bat being flat to the ground then it is straight. If the handle end or the other end is higher then the bat is tilted.
Meynard Ochia Posted 11 years ago
Hi coach..What kind of flat of the racket did you mean???The flat one that is no slant angle of the bat???
Meynard Ochia Posted 11 years ago
Ahhhhh.....TNX coach.. But when I go to the table, how can I get the ball bounce correctly when I am serving the backspin???
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago
Start away from the table and get the feel of it. Then if you have done it enough and have got the feel for it you will be bale to implement it when you get back to the table.
Meynard Ochia Posted 11 years ago
Ok2x coach.. tnx a lot....