How can we make our foot movements so quick ,so that we are able reach to every single ball???
Hi Ranjith,
That would be difficult but it is important to practice your footwork.
Take a look at our lesson on Footwork Basics. Then you need to use as many footwork moves as you can in your training sessions. Look at some of the drills we suggest in our Free Downloads in the Training Drills. There are lots of ideas there for you to work on your footwork. It take a lot of training and time to really master your movement. It is however worthwhile.
After the ball has left the server's bat, they can no longer affect the spin that is on the ball. Any movements after the contact are referred to as fake movements and are meant to confuse you as the receiver. You need to focus on the contact to read the spin.
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ujjval verma Posted 11 years ago
Thank to Alois.
Your guidance on footwork helped me so much in my game. I am able to improve on my backhand shots and many...
Thanks again !!!