How to get better


Joseph Brown
Joseph Brown Asked 1 year ago

I want to improve from the beginner stage to be an intermediate level player.... When I play a beginner player, I look ok against them but when I play a really good player, I look really bad, what do I need to do next?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Joseph,

Transitioning from beginner to intermediate level involves several aspects of the game that you can focus on:

Ensure that you have a good understanding of basic strokes (forehand and backhand counterhit, push, and serve).  Try to hit 100 balls in a row on the table without making unforced errors.

Serving is critical in table tennis. Learn different types of serves - backspin, topspin, sidespin, and no-spin.  Practice serving with an objective in mind, such as precise placement or varying the spin.

The "third-ball attack" is the concept of setting up a strong attacking shot based on your serve. Practice serving in such a way that you can anticipate the likely return and prepare to attack that ball.

Good footwork is critical to getting into the right position to hit effective shots. Drills can improve your agility and ability to move efficiently around the table.

Start to understand strategies such as playing to your opponent's weaker side, understanding the importance of change of pace and spin, and positioning the ball to make it difficult for your opponent to attack.

Watch intermediate and advanced players. Notice how they move, how they prepare for shots, and how they recover after playing a shot.

Professional coaching can be invaluable. A coach can give you personalized feedback and tailor training sessions to specifically target your weaknesses.

Simply playing games can be fun but is not always effective for improvement. Focus on specific aspects of your game during practice sessions.

Working on your overall fitness can improve your game. Table tennis requires quick reflexes, a strong core, and good cardiovascular endurance.

Playing or training against better players is also a very good way to improve, as you can learn a lot from watching what they do differently. And of course, maintain the fun in playing because that's what keeps most players coming back to the table day after day. Keep asking questions, find a supportive table tennis community, and enjoy your journey in this fantastic sport!

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#12 - Defensive Technique

Although attacking is the most popular style at the top level in Table Tennis, it is important to be able to defend well. If you choose to play a defensive style then you should be practicing these strokes all the time. If you play an attacking stroke then you should still try and find some time for these strokes. If you can win one extra point by defending well when pressured, it could make the difference between winning and losing.

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Thoughts on this question

Philip Samuel

Member Badge Philip Samuel Posted 1 year ago

Excellent and invaluable advice for everyone, thank you Alois!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 1 year ago

Glad you found it useful Philip. Making these incremental improvements can take time but it is always rewarding as you go through the process.

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