How to improve footwork


jassy faz
jassy faz Asked 14 years ago

I am wondering how to improve my footwork, i have watched your video on trainig secrets and i do all those exerises for warm up, however i have seen some light weight individuals usually very good players that have amazing footwork, it looks like they are like as a feather and they can move so quickly, do you think any specific excerises helps, like skipping with a rope, also is the two step footwork best  or steel footwork is better where you keep your feet stationary and just jump with both of them right and left?  thanks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Shahvez,

The warm up activities on Training Secrets Revealed, are not really designed to improve your footwork or strength.  They are meant as a warm up to get ready to play.  They will have benefits over time but to get more immediate results you are better to undertake a physical conditioning program. 

The best idea at this stage would be to consult someone that has specifc knowledge on strength and conditioning.  If you have a gym in the area that you could go to and get help that would be beneficial.

You can also take a look at the previous articles on our Blogs.

Weight Training Specifically for Table Tennis

Strength Conditioning for Table Tennis

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#6 - Three Ball Footwork

In this session we continue to focus on your footwork. Using 3 ball footwork drills we concentrate on developing your ability to move into position for any ball. Once you can master these drills, you will be confident when your opponent tries to move you around the court.

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