How to improve for a tournament


mat huang
mat huang Asked 11 years ago

Hi alois,

i have this BIG comp that coming up in one month. Thats not heaps of time so i want to use my time effectively. My dad trains me( multiball and other training) 1hr a day and on firday and saturday i go to my coach to coach with my coach and train with others.

Is there anyway i could get a BIG improvement and use my time effectively. What should i work more on?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Mat,

Coming closer to the tournament do less multiball and do more one ball training.  Practice more of your serve and return of serve as this is the crucial part of the rally.

Good luck with your tournament.

For our Premium members we have a series of Training Plans.  The last 8 focus on preparing for a tournament.

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