How to keep the eyes on the ball


Dan-Teodor Popa
Dan-Teodor Popa Asked 7 years ago

Hello Pingskills!

I'm having troubles keeping the eyes on the ball, I often find myself hiting the ball but my eyes are watching the opponent or the place where I want to send the ball.

How can I correct this?

Thank you and keep up the good work :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Dan,

This is something that you can train.  It is important to be spending some time during training to work on this.  You can put a marking not he ball and try to see that or colour the ball as well to keep you focusing on the ball.  You will find that at first your focus will slip away from the bat often.  With more practice, it becomes better... like everything...

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Thoughts on this question

Dan-Teodor Popa

Dan-Teodor Popa Posted 7 years ago

Thanks :)

Mehmet Demir

Mehmet Demir Posted 7 years ago

this is my biggest problem :((  putting the dot on the ball does not solve the there another idea brothers?

Rohan Keogh

Rohan Keogh Posted 7 years ago

Colour half the ball, like one of those spin balls.  It makes the ball a little harder to track so you have to focus more and it enables you to see the spin - something to focus on.

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