How to make an opponent not to stand in comfortable for him position?


Yuriy Unknown
Yuriy Unknown Asked 15 years ago


How to make an opponent not to play and stand in comfortable for him position when i make a serve, when play and when i make a chop and top spin? An opponent often play the game that is comfortable for him...

Thank you!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Yuriy,

There is a little trick that you should try.  Just take a look at your opponent before you serve.  Just this glance will often give you information about where to serve. Don't try to analyse it too carefully, just galnce up and then serve it.

Often you will pick up naturally an area that he may not like.

In the extreme situation if they are standing very side on one way or the other this will give yu an iddea to serve it to their non favoured side.  Often though player swill turn slightly to the side that they are expecting the ball.  It may only be a slight turn of the shoulders or feet or even the bat that will give this away.  The more you take that glance up the more you will start to see what the opponents position is giving away. 

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Thoughts on this question

Piers Grey

Piers Grey Posted 14 years ago

Well, to get the advantage over your opponent you could deliberately hit the ball in a way that makes your opponent either stretch for the ball or to put the ball to close to them which makes them do a moreuncomfortable stroke. Once you have your oppoenent off balance you can dominate by hitting the ball in an area on the table where they can't get too.

So your opponent stretches for the ball so that there next step is to the right of them, then you can hit the ball to their left hand side. Likewise, if you hit the ball so that your opponent stretches for the ball so that their next step is to the left of them, then you can hit the ball to their right hand side. This is the same if you play the ball to their playing arm, if your opponent isn't use to the ball being played there it will cause them to become off balanced. this gives you the perfect oppotunity to hit the ball to their weaker side winning the point more easily.

I hope this helps you

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