which racket should i choose?


nishanth g
nishanth g Asked 14 years ago


I am an forehand offensive player and backhand defensive.I can block of a topspin too.Which bat is suitable for me...? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Nishanth,

The million dollar question.  There are so many choices out there.  Think about a control type blade with a faster rubber on the forehand and a more controlled rubber on the backhand.

As to which type of rubber there are too many choices. 

Think about something like the Stiga All round Classic blade.  For rubber perhaps you can go for a 2.0mm Mark V or Pryde on the forehand and a 1.5mm on the backhand.

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Thoughts on this question

Piers Grey

Piers Grey Posted 14 years ago

However, I word of advice, when your looking for new rubber to put on the blade don't just assume that the more expensive the rubber is the better performance it will make. Due to 90% of all rubber being made in the same factory, most of the rubber that is sold will have similar qualities to another type of rubber. So, for instance, the rubber "Max factor" is cheaper and is exactly the same as "Mark V" rubber.

I hope this helps you

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