How to overcome the nervous?

Mental Preparation

Archel Taneka Sutanto
Archel Taneka Sutanto Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

In my school, there are a sport competitions every year. This year, I participate in table tennis. Usually, in every game, people support their class and many people see the game too. I'm really nervous when saw by many people. How to overcome it?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Archel,

It's perfectly normal for players to get nervous. I think every player does at some stage.

A commonly used technique is take a long slow deep breath. Count to 6 as you are breathing in, hold for 2 and breathe out for 7. Once you've taken this deep breath then think about your tactic for the next point. If you practice this routine, it will calm you down and get you thinking about what matters, playing the next point.

Also do a search at the top of the Ask the Coach page of questions. Put in 'Nervous" in the search box and you'll find a lot of helpful answers to similar questions.

Good luck with your competition. Let us know how it goes.

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Thoughts on this question

Reynel Obordo

Reynel Obordo Posted 12 years ago

Thinking negative effects can lose your confident in winning..try to stay calm and focus and imagine that this is just a game

and beside exposure is good though until you get used to it

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