Should I use Epoxy?


Reynel Obordo
Reynel Obordo Asked 12 years ago

Hi coach i have a question for you. Is it ok for me to use:

729 Super Rubber (FH) and 729 Super Soft Rubber (BH) and "EPOXY Laminated" Boli Prince Blade

My Blade is not very good because it has a low specifications unlike the other expensive blade, so my co-teammates got an interesting idea. They want me to put EPOXY to make my blade stronger. Epoxy is a type of durable glue.

Are my rubbers are good to enhance my playing skills?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Reynel,

729 rubber should be OK to develop your skills. As for the blade I haven't used it before but I would think it will be OK with your rubbers to start out with. As you get better and if you are still interested in table tennis, you can look to switch to a better blade. I wouldn't be experimenting with unusual glues myself. I'd just stick with the blade as is.

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Thoughts on this question

Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar Posted 12 years ago

hahaha Boli Prince i remember it was my first blade I bought for $7 with a non grippy inverted rubber for FH and a short pimpled rubber for BH.....those blades are just for very beginner levels and not recommended after you know / learn the basic strokes. I stopped using them after like 1 week when I started to learn spin as the rubbers were not upto the mark.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Thanks for that insight Rahul. 

Reynel Obordo

Reynel Obordo Posted 12 years ago

Yeah your right but Blades in our Country (Philippines) are too expensive to buy so i try to buy Boli Prince Racket and Remove the Rubbers and put EPOXY to make it like a Carbon Laminated Blade lol

and Put my 729 Rubbers

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