How to play a slow spinny topspin


Manfred Rolfsmeier
Manfred Rolfsmeier Asked 11 years ago

Hi there,

I still have difficulties to play a slow spinny topspin with fh and bh. When it works it happens more or less accidentally. Most of the times the ball ends in the net because I can't bring enough forward motion into the ball or it lacks topspin. I´m still not sure how long and fast the stroke should be to generate a lot of spin. Any recommendations?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Manfred,

It takes a lot of touch to be able to do it well consistently.

We do have a lesson on this in our Master Classes under Slow Spinny Topspin.

Make a full stroke as we show you in our lesson on the Forehand topspin just get the contact really fine.

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How to Take Your Topspin to the Next Level

In this video we will discuss and demonstrate different training drills and strategies that you can use to help develop and improve the loop that you get on your forehand topspin.

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