How to play faster


jesse joel
jesse joel Asked 13 years ago

Hi first off Your website is the best. 

Ok so my question is how do i strike the ball hard but on target because i seem to give really soft balls back to my opponent 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Jesse,

When trying to get the ball to move faster, the most important things are to maintain the same stroke as with your slow ball and also to stay relaxed.  If you can do thee two things you will start to get a better faster stroke. 

Recommended Video

The Finish Position

There are 3 basic areas to focus on when learning a stroke: 1) The position of your feet. 2) The starting position of your bat. 3) The finishing position of your bat. Of all these 3 elements the finish position is the most critical. Watch this video to find out why.

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Thoughts on this question

jesse joel

jesse joel Posted 13 years ago

Thank you.. You have been alot of help

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