reverse services


Martin Polívka
Martin Polívka Asked 13 years ago

I am trying to learn reverse chop serve, but the ball has no back rotation - no chop, only side spin, which is also good but now I want to learn  reverse chop. What should I do with my bat? Can you show me which angles are for reverse chop and for reverse side spin? My friend told me the differences between chop and spin are very small.

Thank you for your helpful advices! 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Martin,

To get reverse chop is all about getting the end of your bat up high.  This means that you need to bend your wrist a lot which can be an awkward movement.

Once you have your wrist in this position you will have the bat quite flat which will mean you can come under the ball to get the backspin. 

For the sidespin you need to reach over the top of the ball and brush the outside of the ball. 

We have covered these in our Serving Secrets DVD which is also available through our website. 

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