How to practice with wall?


Harikrishnan U
Harikrishnan U Asked 14 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff. I want to know how to practise alone with wall and what should be the length of the table while practising because i practise in dining table which is exactly half of a table tennis table.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Harikrishnan,

The best way to practice is on a Table Tennis table but if you can't always do that then practicing against a wall is a great idea. Watch our video on practicing alone to see how it can be done.

The idea of practicing against a wall is to gain some ball control. Therefore the length of the table is not critical. What matters is that you are getting better at controlling the ball. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#44 - Playing Blockers

Work on you variation of spin and speed. Against blockers it's really important you don't always play the same pace. They are relying on your speed.

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Thoughts on this question

Konrad Suszczuk

Konrad Suszczuk Posted 14 years ago

Kitchen table against the wall works great for practicing serves. After many years of happy hitting I’ve recently learned reverse pendulum serve at last – on my kitchen table. Just place something near the wall which pretends to be the net  - and you want to bounce the ball only once on the table of course. Very nice feature of this is that you can also practice keeping them serves low, because you can clearly see how high the ball hits the wall.

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