How to return a fast long topspin serve


leonardo gabica
leonardo gabica Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

Firstly,I am really grateful in your free videos and i have became an intermediate player because of it.

Alois, i am playing with someone that has a really fast long topspin serve, and i find it hard to return, i can sometimes return it but the ball goes really high enough to make the killer smash, so alois, can you give me some information to block this kind of serve :)


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Leonardo,

You can just counterhit it back using the topspin on the ball already.  You should try to attack the ball if they serve long topspin.

Once you get the speed and placement you should be able to attack it.

Recommended Video

Judging the Length of a Serve

A really important skill in table tennis is to be able to judge if a serve will be short or long. If it's short you won't be able to take a full swing at the ball and hence will need to use either a push or a flick to return the ball. However, if it is coming long then you can make a topspin attack. In this video we give you some tips to help you judge the length of the serve and hopefully this makes you a better returner.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Gabriel Casado

Gabriel Casado Posted 10 years ago

Dear Alois.

Good Morning.

Im very glad with your training sesions, I have improved a lot.

A lot of player at my level serve with long topsping and I just can block the ball and with good result until now.

But the really thing is that I would like to start to attack the topsping serve.

which is the secret o the work i have to do to be able to hit and not blocking the balls?

Thank you very much in advance.


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Gabriel,

Think about making a topspin on this long serve.  Focus on playing the stroke correctly.  You don't need to hit the ball to hard to stay with, just get the technique right.  If you commit to doing this each time the serve comes long, you will soon improve your return.

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