How to return a very heavy back spin ball


Virabot Than
Virabot Than Asked 9 years ago

Hello i'm a members of the PingSkills blogs i want to know how to return the very heavy back Spin ball i've tried to return it many times but it doesn't work Can you help me. 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Virabot,

If you are truing to topspin it, then you need to have a vertical stroke and brush the ball fast.  Your racket needs a lot of speed to counteract the backspin.  Take a look at the lesson on the Forehand Topspin Off Backspin.

If you are trying to push it back then tilt your bat right back so it is basically facing the roof.  Then push under the ball and you can even lift your bat slightly with the stroke to help it over the net.

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