How to serve with topspin


Ivan Markanjevic
Ivan Markanjevic Asked 9 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

All my serv is with backspin or sidespin but I want to serv with topspin I not know how ?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ivan,

I find that a lot of players find this a difficult concept to master.  

The action depends on which type of serve you are doing.  For the Backhand and Pendulum serves, you can hit the ball a little later in your swing to generate the topspin.  In these cases, the bat is on the up later in the swing.

For the Tomahawk serve you hit the ball earlier in the swing as the bat is going upwards in that phase.

We have explanations and demonstrations on all of the serves in our Serving Secrets section.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Serve Placement Analysis

Alois examines the service of patterns of two of the best players in the World so he can tell you where you should be, and where you shouldn't be serving the ball.

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Ivan Markanjevic

Ivan Markanjevic Posted 9 years ago


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