I Can't Spin The Ball


andro Esmat
andro Esmat Asked 9 years ago

Can U Tell Me how To Practice Spinning the Ball in my home.

Till now i can't spin the ball in serving.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Andro,

The best way is to try spinning the ball on the floor.  So hit the ball and see if you can get it to come back towards you on the floor.

One of the keys to generating spin it to brush the ball on contact. To get it to spin back towards you brush under the ball.

Once you feel you can get the ball to come back towards you, then see if you can make it move in different directions.  Then when you feel comfortable, move to the table and see if you can make it do the same thing on the table.

For our Premium members we have a lesson on this in our Learning To Spin lesson.


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