Serve return

Service Return

Ankur Ajay
Ankur Ajay Asked 9 years ago

Hi coach

Last night my opponent served a tomahawk serve (well at least it looked so). He did not toss the ball very high but the rest was like a tomahawk. When I touhed the ball with my racket iit sprang up high in the air. If it had gone to the right or left i would have understood but this? I dont know the right method to return it. kindly help me.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Ankur,

It sounds like he was getting some topspin with his tomahawk serve.  The best way to counter it is to hit over the ball like a counterhit.  It is important to angle you bat down to make sure the topspin doesn’t take the ball off the end of the table.

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