I lost my footwork


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 12 years ago

Hi there coach, I played table tennis yesterday and I noticed that I have lost my footwork. And I am pretty sure that it is not because I did not play for a long time since I am playing regularly. I am guessing that its because I haven't done a footwork drill exercises for a long time, which caused my footwork to become slower. What should I do in order to have my footwork back? And how do I maintain my footwork speed? thanks in advance coach

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Wayne,

The key is definitely regular training.  Do at least one or two footwork drills each time you train.

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Thoughts on this question


D K Posted 10 years ago

Is there any way how to help to improve footwork without having a chance to play at the table?

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi D K,

You can practice your shuffle movement anywhere as long as you have a little space. Watch our footwork basics video and simply practice the shuffle step. You can even take shadow swings between the movements.

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 10 years ago

I do shadow practice at home, once a week. You can basically do any drill without ball. The good thing about shadow practice is that you can focus on the footwork and returning to neutral position (body & bat). Then, when you do actual training with the ball, you can concentrate on the ball while the body takes care of itself through muscle memory built up during the shadow practice. I have already felt the benefit of this.

The downside is: shadow practice at home is extremely boring and silly. Somehow it is more embarassing for me to be caught by my wife or kids amidst a shadow practice session than when watching a TT video, while shadow practice is definitely returning more on the investment.

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