What is the secret behind the tomahawk serve


Huzaifa Khan
Huzaifa Khan Asked 10 years ago


I have seen many people doing the tomhawk serve and they say that it is a very special serve i don’t seem to see anything special in it   WHY?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Huzaifa,

I don’t think it is special, just it hasn’t been used as much so it is different.

It is difficult to generate as much spin with the Tomahawk serve with a small swing.  You really need a big swing to get the same amount of spin as with the Pendulum serve.

It is good for keeping the ball low and slow.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Spin

Varying the spin on your serve makes it harder to return. You can vary the type of spin but possibly even more effective is varying the amount of spin.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 10 years ago

Keeping it low and slow makes it really useful, and the reverse version messes with people's heads even more as they don't recognise it. I also find it's quite easy to vary your spin with it. Last time I played i did a couple ones much top spin on them but still very slow, just brushing the ball really finely - it dipped down right past the net and my poor opponent tried to just push it over.

Also, doing it with a huge swing is just great fun :p For good measure, jump up as high as you can as you throw the ball and let gravity help out! (Jeff or Alois will probably tell you that'll compromise your stroke, but don't listen to them!)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Haha thanks Johan… will have to try it.

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