Illegal serving


Atanas Atanasov
Atanas Atanasov Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

I've got problem. Today I was on a tournament without umpire. Most of my opponents weren't serving behind the line and I caught the ball and said that the serve is not legal. They said that their serve is legal and I am not allowed to catch the ball during a rally, so the point goes to them. I became very nervous. 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Nasko,

This is always a problem.  It needs to be addressed by the tournament organisers.  They should have a referee that will be able to watch the serves and help out if required.  In this situation you should talk to the organisers.  It is a difficult situation because it is a matter of their word against yours. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Backspin and No Spin Serve Variations

We show you how to get the backspin and no spin serve variations working for you. With an effective variation you will get a lot of attacking opportunities on the 3rd ball.

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