

tom foster
tom foster Asked 14 years ago


 whats the best way to improve quicker

also when players are more consistent, is it that they do the same stroke the same each time and whats the best way to improve my consistency

 thank:) Master Class

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Jimmy,

The short answer on how to get better is "more hitting".

The more hours that you can do of concentrated practice the better you will become.  This is true for consistency.  Consistency is about doing the same stroke over and over but it is also about learning to make the small adjustments to allow for slightly different balls.

So get out there and keep clocking up the hours. 

Our new Master Class will help you with this.


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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#3 - Consistent Combinations

In this session we focus on your consistency when playing combinations of backhands and forehands. Several routines in this training session make you constantly switch between a backhand and a forehand. If you can improve your consistency on these combinations it will really help you in a real game since your opponent will often be changing where they hit the ball.

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