Improving strokes


amith bhandari
amith bhandari Asked 13 years ago

i am playing table tennis from past 6 months my strokes are not so good ,so  can u tell me how to make it better.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Amith,

The key is to get the technique correct.  Start with the forehand and backhand strokes and make sure you are doing them correctly.  The things that we focus on are the start and finish positions of the stroke.

Look through all the lessons we have on our Free Video Lessons page.  This will help you to learn the strokes correctly. Then you need to do this as often as possible concentrating on technique.  do the strokes slowly until you feel really confident with them.  Then you can start to speed them up. This may take a few weeks of regular training.


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