Arm soreness


bertus bertus
bertus bertus Asked 12 years ago

Hi coach!

What can I do to prevent arm injury? (Pain inside the elbow joint and on the top part of my lower arm)

I believe this is caused by my FH-topspin stroke which is just about always a fast stroke. Sometimes I feel a "shock" in the top part of my lower arm at the finish position of my FH-topspin stroke. Should I learn a different FH-topspin technique? (only using the lower arm instead of the whole arm, or could I be to tensed while executing this stroke?)

I do know you aint the flying doctors but still i have good hopes that you have some usefull tips to solve this problem or how to prevent it.

Many thanks in advance!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Bertus,

Yes we certainly aren't the flying doctors... That is a good call.

It could be sue to tension in the arm when you are swinging.  If you are turning your bat over the ball or straining through the stroke it may lead to more pain.

Do the stroke slowly and see exactly which movement is hurting the arm.  This may also help the real doctor or physiotherapist if you need to see them.

Experiment with different techniques that do not hurt the arm when you are doing the stroke and see what works.  Pain in this situation is a bad thing.  The stroke should not be hurting you. 

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Thoughts on this question

bertus bertus

bertus bertus Posted 12 years ago

I've bin practising now with slower arm movement (50 to 60% power) making the finish position of my FH-topspin stroke a little further away (a bit longer swing) and trying to totaly not squeeze the racket while making the swing and I did'nt feel much armsoreness. 

But to topspin this way means that the ball goes slower wich gives my opponent a good opportunity to take over the initiative in the rally! :S And I seriously wonder if it's possible to lift a heavy backspin ball over the net with reduced arm swinging speed? I wonder if you spin the ball with FH? Do you use all the strength in your arm to creat an as powerfull shot as you can produce or do really good players also hold back a little while making a FH stroke?


Thx once again!


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Bertus,

I think you are half way there.  Keep the relaxed swing.  Now let the speed develop itself.  Don't try any harder and just let the bat swing through more freely.  The speed will come.  I know it is a difficult concept to trust but give it time.

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