

Emil Palm
Emil Palm Asked 12 years ago

Hi there Pingskills, Love your videos. I have a question about my Racket. For the moment I have a Ma Lin Offensive (Yasaka) Racket with Pryde 30 on Forhand and A V-Stage  on my Backhand. I like the spin on the racket but its Far too hard. 
If I smash the ball with all my force the Ball crack in most cases. And if someone Smash on my backhand I can´t block the ball at all. So my quetion is. 
Can I fix this problem just by getting a softer Racket and just swap over the Rubbers? And if so you have any tip on what Racket I should get. I play Defensive or Top-Spin on my Backhand and Offesive/Top-spin on my Forhand. Anyone got A tip?? Thanks for answering :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Emil,

The blade is fast so it will be difficult to get control.  I think you can change blades and keep the same rubbers and you should be able to develop more control in the rally.

As to which blade, I will leave that up to the experts.  Just get something that is slower rated.  There's a thousand choices out there.

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Thoughts on this question

Emil Palm

Emil Palm Posted 12 years ago

Oke :) Thanks alot. Think I will order A  Yasaka stomme Extra then and hope it will works better :) And 1 more thing. Im the Trainer at my Club for the Children. You know any good "practice" for bending your knees becouse I'm having some problem making them bend there knees while playing.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Emil,

It is not just you that has this problem.  It is difficult to get them to do it until they realise the benefits.  I get them to do some fun movements off the table.  Perhaps a relay with this movement or a competition to see who is the fastest. 

Other than that it is a constant reminder.  Sometimes they don't realise that they are standing up again. 

Kevin Z

Kevin Z Posted 12 years ago

how much do your legs have to be bent? a 90 degree angle?

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