
Mental Preparation

Joshua Ahmad
Joshua Ahmad Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois Rosario my name is Joshua i have won my  locality tournment im from portugal and i have a really good bh and a solid fh.

When me and my friends were playing for my school in a TT tournment we saw a guy playing in the semi finals so that guy was playing in his own school and when he won a point or the opponent lost the point he and his friends were intimidating his opponent shouting like "shooo" that guy won the tournment .

So if i was in the opponent position what sould i do? Because playing against the home player its never easy right?? 

PS that guy is stronger than me :(

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Joshua,

Well done on winning the tournament.  This sort of shouting can be intimidating.  It isn’t necessarily meant that way though.  I think a lot of it is their own excitement or emotional level getting high.

Try to take it as just that and you try to focus on yourself and how you are playing.  This can be quite difficult if you have not faced it before.

Thoughts on this question

Joshua Ahmad

Joshua Ahmad Posted 9 years ago

Thanks alois rosario that was helpfull 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

No problems Joshua.

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