Hello, dear Alois and Jeff,
My question is:
Is it useful to play with advanced players even if I am not beginner? Usually I lose them 1-11 sometimes 2-11 or 3-11. Or it is more useful to play with players like me?
Hi Ardak,
I think a mixture of the two is the best combination. It is good to play with better players because they will be able to control the ball for you when you are training and also when you play games with them they will give you better quality shots to have to deal with.
It is good to play with players of your own ability because it is important that you learn to deal with their quality of ball. They often may not hit the ball as cleanly as the better players which gives you a different spin to deal with. The in a match situation it is good to have to deal with a close contest and learn ways and strategies to overcome opponents.
The forehand and backhand topspin strokes are two of the most important strokes in table tennis. In lesson 6 you start playing these strokes first by getting someone to throw the ball to you. This makes it easier to get into the correct position and concentrate on the correct start and finish position, and the essential brushing contact. You can then progress to using this in a rally where your training partner learns to block the topspin back.
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Ardak . Posted 12 years ago
Thank you very much. I will do exactly like that!
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
Excellent. Keep us informed with your progress.
Ardak . Posted 12 years ago
I have a little progress. Before, when I played only with players like me, I couldn't react to fast shots, even couldn't block them.
Now, I started to block some of fast shoots. Because during the game with advanced players I have to block so many agressive fast shoots.
But, it is still hard for me ro react fast flicks and hard to return their fast brushing serves and heavy backhands...
Ardak . Posted 12 years ago
I forgot to say that after playing with advanced players,to me it gets easier to play with weak players like me. Before, I played only in defence, by using only backhand. Now, I started to play in attack with weak players like me.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago
That is excellent. That is a really good step forward.