Is Ma Lin serve legal


ismael metioui
ismael metioui Asked 10 years ago

I wanted to ask,when you serve in a competitions are you allowed to do the Ma lin serve? They told me that when you serve it needs to bounce on your side then the next bounce is at the other side of the table and then it can't bounce again in the enemies table,is this true?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Ismael,

This is not correct.  You are allowed to serve it so that if the receiver doesn’t touch the ball it would bounce on their side as many times as you want.

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Thoughts on this question

ismael metioui

ismael metioui Posted 10 years ago



Matt M

Matt M Posted 10 years ago

Enemy is a strong word ismael! Opponent maybe ;)

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