Seal your blade


Matt M
Matt M Asked 10 years ago

Hi there Alois, I am just wondering how to "seal" my blade and what product is best to use, I have recently purchased a Stiga infinity vps blade, but later noticed reviews saying although it is a good blade it needs sealing as the outer veneer layers are weak and can peel when changing rubbers, also if any pingskillers have had any experience with this particular blade could you please leave a comment and let me know.


Matt. :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Matt,

I think most wood varnishes would be ok.  Hopefully sine if our Pingskillers have had some experience with it and will be able to help you.

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Thoughts on this question

Matt M

Matt M Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Alois, I was worried that I might have needed a special varnish in case the rubbers didn't stick to the blade properly and didn't want to damage the equipment as it can be very costly!

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Haha...nice one Matt.

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