After the usage of the plastic ball, Xu Xin's topspins got considerably slower and some of them aren't even going in like the match between him and fan zhendong (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uukbzDOnT6I). Is this the end for Xu Xin? If it is, then who is going to be the next penholder?
Hi Romeo,
I don’t think it is the end at all. Watch out for him...
What do others think?
Get the most out of your topspins by using spin and speed. If you simply hit the ball faster without any topspin, it will sail off the end of the table.
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Lukas Haraldsen Posted 9 years ago
I personally don't think that this is the end at all. His topspins may be slower, and less dangerous, but however, because of this Xu Xin has started to do a lot of tricky shots. (Weird sidespin, and tricky loops). For your question; "Who is going to be the next penholder?" I honestly have no idea. I haven't seen that many top penholders around except for Xu Xin. There will probably be one very soon though, so keep your eyes open!