Is the racket allowed to hit the table


Scott Dickens
Scott Dickens Asked 13 years ago

Do you lose the point if the racket hits the table? I know you lose a point if your other hand touches the table but was not sure about the racket.

Also, if the ball hits my finger holding the racket and goes over the net will that be a legal point or do i lose it because it hit my finger and not the racket?


Love your site.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Scott,

The racket is allowed to hit the table.  The only thing that isn't allowed to touch the table is your free hand s you said. 

Regarding your finger hitting the ball, anything up to the wrist is considered part of the hand.  So if the ball hits the finger and goes back it is a good hit.

There has been  slight rule change with this in the last few months.  Now if you hit the ball with your finger and the bat with the one stroke it is also considered a good hit. Previously this would have been a point against you.  Now if it is an unintentional double hit is is OK.

Glad you enjoy the site. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Hitting the Ball on the Full

In this video we explain what happens when someone hits the ball before it bounces in a rally. This is also known as hitting the ball on the full. The point stop immediately when this happens but who's point is it? This depends on where the ball was hit. Watch the video to find out more.

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