Is this a good paddle?


Joe Marcus
Joe Marcus Asked 14 years ago


I was wondering if a Stiga active paddle and Yasaka Mark V rubber(on both sides of the paddle) would be a solid set up for me. I am a offensive player who uses a lot of topspin and the occasional push or chop to mix up the game. I also try to move my opponent around as much as possible.

If not can you recommend me something else? Please keep in mind that I have a fairly low budget.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Joe,

The Stiga Active looks OK.  I haven't used one so can't really tell you.  Mark V is a good rubber for control and spin.  Sounds like it might suit your game.

We have a   PingSkills Touch Blade available now.  It is a good control blade and we do offer it with Mark V which compliments it nicely. 

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Thoughts on this question

Joe Marcus

Joe Marcus Posted 14 years ago

Thanks Alois!

martin pastor

martin pastor Posted 14 years ago

what is the best way to return a smash me........

Samuel Lim

Samuel Lim Posted 14 years ago

Martin: you can return a smash by moving far from the table and lobbing it back. or if you are more advanced you can counter smash...

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 14 years ago
You can either lob it back and if you have a lot of time then you can attemt to counter smash it.  Remember though this is a difficult stroke.

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