Wrist pain


Gabriel Unknown
Gabriel Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi, Alois and Jeff!

As a left-hander, when I hit a forehand loop, my shot always used to go across the table (from left to right), which made it easy for my opponents to prepare themselves.

After some practice, I learned how to aim at the left side of the table; but, after playing for some days, my wrist started to hurt. I wonder if it's because of how I use this forehand loop. If that's the case, could you tell me a way of doing it properly? Thanks!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Gabriel,

Sounds like it may be the cause of your wrist pain.  The important thing here is to relax your wrist when it goes back.  If you force it back it will work too hard, if you relax it and let it go back you will find it a little easier.

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Thoughts on this question

gian crispino

gian crispino Posted 14 years ago

hello there

I also have this problem and my wrist hurts for 3days now

what should i do? should i stop from playing?

thank in advance and merry christmas

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 14 years ago
Also work on your relaxation in your wrist and see if it helps.

Udbhav Kush

Udbhav Kush Posted 14 years ago

iwas also having this problem and it took me 3 weeks to get it alright. so just relax and avoid playing table tennis(or any other work which includes wrist movement) for 2-3 weeks. 

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